Thursday, January 19, 2006

TAG!!! Five Weird Things About Me

The way tag works is that you admit to five weird or unusual things about yourself on your own blog. Then you challenge two of your friends to do the same, and they challenge two of their friends. Thus, the cycle begins. So onward I go into the depths of my mind to bring out the frighteningly weird and freaky things about myself:

1. I use my fingernail to play with my upper lip. Okay, some of you are completely freaked out by this little tick of mine already, but I assure you it's not creepy-weird. As long as I can remember I have used my fingernails to brush over the soft skin towards the inside of my mouth on my top lip. It's a comfort to me and lulls me into a sweet daze. I guess I use it as a comfort mechanism for those times when I am stressed.

2. I have a childhood teddy bear named 'Christmas' on my bed. Some people eventually grow out of the childhood need for stuffed animals; and I did too. I specifically remember the day that I grew tired of the little stuffed animals all around my room...Looking at me with their glassy bead eyes. So I threw them all out; with the exception of Christmas. I can't bear to lose the companionship that he provides. Get it, bear, it's a pun (I crack myself up).

3. I am a closet trekky; and have only come out to show my true geekdom when I was attending a Tech College. Throughout high school I was addicted to Star Trek. I used to make up excuses as to why I had to be home on certain nights to my friends, would tape episodes while I was working, and would even switch the channel when my parents or sister walked in the room while I was watching. I blame my cousin, Nathan for this sad and unending portion of my life. I never watched an episode until one fateful Thanksgiving at his house. My whole family was there and we stayed the entire week. Nathan had to watch Star Trek, and wouldn't let anyone watch anything else. After one week, I was hooked. But at Florida Tech (a school full of engineers, physics, space science, and biology majors) you were the weird one if you didn't watch Star Trek...thus came my out years. But, into my guilty pleasure closet I climb as I make my way back into normal society.

4. I talk to myself when I'm alone in my car. I know that most of us are guilty of doing strange things in a car...for instance, how many of you sing at the top of your lungs with the radio? (I thought so) Anyway, I will sometimes have whole conversations with myself in the car. I solve problems, work out squabbles with others, and even talk to God. The really weird part of all of this is when I begin to have fictitious conversations. To give you an example: If I am driving to an interview, many times I will have an interview with myself in the both the interviewer's opinions and the interviewee's answers. These are the times that my imagination go into overdrive (and I spend to much time in traffic on the road).

5. I have a fascination with knives. I know my cousin, Susan, would hate me for saying this since she almost cut off her fingers while carving a pumpkin. Since that day she has an aversion for the things. But I don't like just any old knife. I like the war knives that were used in days of yore (or some other past era). I am fascinated with the subtle beauty and delicacy of sabers that are used for fencing, the majestic qualities of the blunt swords that men wielded with power, and the swift accuracy of small daggers that women used for personal protection. I have known about my unusual attention to these weapons for some time. I find a man's ability to use them strangely erotic (another confession that I should probably keep to myself).

So there you have it. My five confessions of weird facts about myself. And now I challenge you Noelle and Stephanie to do the same.

posted by Hayley | 9:37 AM


Blogger Fredi said...

You have to check hims out:

1:46 PM  
Blogger singerinkitchen said...

CRAZY WOMAN! You are scaring me with this knife fetish. I finished mine so enjoy!

10:34 AM  
Blogger Ryan Kelly said...

LOL A closet Trekkie, huh? Well, I'm a ST afficionado, that's for sure, and quite public about it! The first time I rehearsed one of my choirs, I introduced myself, and said, "My name is Ryan Kelly, but you can call me Captain Kirk!" I'm not sure if they were truly amused or just laughing at me... Anyway, TOS, TNG, ENT, and the movies. Not a huge fan of DS9 or VOY. But, I have just about the entire script of TWOK memorized, and I visit just about every day!

Being a Trekkie is cool!

12:58 PM  

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